Fórum: .,SELLING POTASSIUM CYANIDE SERVICES| KCN Pills and Powder +27613119008 IN WORLDWIDE/ WITBNAK,SECUNDA,Spain,London,Usa,Austeria,swaziland,switzerland - potraviny a zdravie 27003

drhealer healer 19.06.2024 *.

.,SELLING POTASSIUM CYANIDE SERVICES| KCN Pills and Powder +27613119008 IN WORLDWIDE/ WITBNAK,SECUNDA,Spain,London,Usa,Austeria,swaziland,switzerland Pure Potassium cyanide (kcn) at cheap price call +27613119008 ..view phone in south Africa pretoria , Johannesburg cape town , Durban , rastenburg providing a fine range of Chemicals such as Acids, Caustic ills in this sector, we have been successfully engaged in manufacturing and supplying potassium Cyanide, which is an inorganic compound with the formula Kcn. Widely appreciated for their purity and longer shelf life, we have formulated this chemical using quality tested materials which is procured from the well known vendors of the market. Potassium Cyanide is widely used by entomologists as a killing agent in collecting jars, as most insects succumb within seconds, minimizing damage of even highly fragile specimens. If you are inquiring and want to buy Potassium Cyanide, i have available highest purity potassium cyanide We have freight forwarders in these countries, and our customs clearance company will clear your parce without any customs issues, sometimes even 1000mg . Door to door service. Ensure that you receive 100% of your goods. Let you have a good experience of our strong shipping capabilities.CONTACT ; +27613119008 Delivery is by one of a following, UPS,DHL,USPS,FedEx & TNT,EMS. EMAIL:messiajames@gmail.com call +27613119008

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