03 - 03.04.2025 Budapesta Výstava

Franchise Expo Budapest 2025

Lurdy Ház 1097 Budapest, Könyves Kálmán krt. 12-14., Budapesta Organizátor: Asociația Maghiară de Franciză Kontakt: Tamás Milla +36 20 802 7196 tmilla@franchising.hu franchise.hu

Asociația Maghiară de Francize organizează încă o expoziție de franciză - singura din Ungaria. Evenimentul va avea loc în inima Budapestei, pe o suprafață de 920 de metri pătrați, cu peste 40 de mărci.

Participation price: 2000 Ft Url to purchase: franchiseexpo.hu/
23 - 25.04.2025 Warsaw Školenie

Franchise Business Academy: sale a franchise

PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Organizátor: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 20 akademia@franczyza.eu franczyza.eu/

Course lasts for 3 days (each about 8 hours) and covers following subjects:

  • Basics of Sandler's methodology in selling franchises;
  • Effective management of information flow;
  • Strategies for acquiring candidates for franchisees;
  • Sales Process Control Tools;
  • Innovative Approach to the Relationship with the Candidate;
  • Diagnostics of the Candidate's Needs and Pains;
  • Managing the Candidate's Budget and Decision-making Process;
  • Effective Presentation of the Franchise Offer;
  • Finalization of the Franchise Sales Process.
Participation price: 4.612,50 zł Url to purchase: franchising.pl/koszyk/327/zakupy/akademia-franczyzy-sprzedaz-franczyzy/
29 - 30.05.2025 Warsaw Konferencia

Best Franchise - conference of Polish Franchise Organization

NYX Hotel Warsaw Chmielna 71, Warsaw Organizátor: Polska Organizacja Franczyzodawców Kontakt: Magdalena Kurda 605550845 pof@franczyza.org.pl franczyza.org.pl/

Konferencja Liderów Franczyzy BEST FRANCHISE od lat ma opinię miejsca, gdzie odbywają się najciekawsze wykłady i warsztaty o franczyzie i zarządzaniu. Wydarzenie to także okazja dla przedsiębiorców do wymiany doświadczeń oraz integracji wewnątrz środowiska franczyzy.

05 - 06.06.2025 Warsaw Školenie

Franchise Business Academy: starting and developing a franchise

PROFIT system office/online Brazownicza 16, Warsaw Organizátor: PROFIT system +48 22 560 80 20 akademia@franczyza.eu franczyza.eu/

Course lasts for 2 days (each about 6 hours) and covers following subjects:

  • Creating of development strategy
  • Defining the rules for cooperation with a franchisee
  • Financial aspects of the cooperation
  • How to present a franchise offer?
  • Recruitment of the partners
  • International development

Join and find out how to franchise successfully.

Participation price: 738 zł Url to purchase: franchising.pl/koszyk/294/zakupy/akademia-franczyzy-tworzenie-rozwoj-franczyzy/
23 - 24.10.2025 Varšava Výstava

Franchise Fair 2025

Palace of Culture and Science Palác kultúry a vedy, Plac Defilad 1, Varšava Organizátor: Franchising.pl / PROFIT system Kontakt: Lenka Nováková +420 775 661 788 lnovakova@profitsystem.cz franczyza.pl

Franchise expo in Warsaw is the biggest franchise event in Central & Eastern Europe. It is organized for the 18th time. Franchise Expo in Warsaw is the perfect place to exchange contacts and meet potential business partners. Three days of business meetings, 200 franchise brands and 7,000 visitors interested in franchise opportunities from Poland and neighboring Central & Eastern European countries. 

Participation price: 80 zł Url to purchase: bilet.franczyza.pl/